Sunday, October 24, 2010

Food For Thought

A very wise friend once told me that there are THREE elements to successful weight loss.  Two are no brainers and what most everyone gets when starting a 'diet' or a healthier lifestyle.  Eating heathier and exercise are two necessary parts of losing weight.   But the third and sometimes most important (I think) is the brain.  What has brought us to this point in our lives where we are this overweight and unhealthy.  What is the reason we don't think that we are worthy of looking and feeling better.  And What is it going to take before we consider the fact that if we don't do something, we're going to die sooner than we should.  Below are some of the things my friend actually wrote in an article.  I hope it helpsme to start figuring out that 3rd and essential part of losing weight that we're both missing. 

"Weight loss has three major components.  Calories in = what you eat.  Calories out = how you burn what you eat.  The third part, and this is the most important part most diets, weight loss programs DON’T acknowledge is the psychological part.  That is the part that causes us to eat like we know is unhealthy and be unsuccessful in keeping our weight manageable.  If you can figure that part out, whether it’s you don’t feel you have enough time, your not happy, just have bad exercise/eating habits  or something deeper rooted, you will find maintaining your new life style is much easier.  I know I did" ~ Cyndie H.

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